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Christians, Whales, and Dolphins

My sister, an ocean/SCUBA lover, recently sent me a photo of a whale under water as it prepared to breach. What a sight. The camera followed it to the surface, where more of the whale was out of the water than in, at the peak of its acrobatic maneuver. It made me think how alike believers are to whales and dolphins. Marine mammals are confined to a foreign environment. Beautiful as their underwater world is, they are forced to partially escape it many times every day in order to breathe and continue living. They can just pop up to the surface for a gulp of air, but don’t they look like they are rejoicing in the freedom of the air when they breach? I, too, am confined to a foreign environment. Beautiful as this world is, I know it is not my natural domain, and that spending too much time in it brings death to the soul. How wonderful that God provided ways for us to breach this world—through spending time with Him in prayer, the Word, fellowship with brothers and sisters in the Lord, praise and worship . . . . I want to be like the picture that “joyful” whales and dolphins paint; not just popping to the surface as little as possible, but breaching as often as I can, with more of me in the heavenlies than in the world.

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